APPLICATION FOR FOUNDATION GOVERNOR/DIRECTOR FG - Governor /Director Application Pack Form for school to submit a Foundation Governor /Director Application Pack Step 1 of 3 - Section A: School Information 0% Name of School*Please enter the name of the school for whom the applicant has applied to become a governor of.Name of Borough*Borough where the school is locatedPostcode of School*Please enter the postcode of the school for whom the applicant has applied to become a governor of.Name of School's Nominated Person* Dr.MissMrMrsMsProf.Rev. Prefix First Last Email address of School's Nominated Person*This email address will be used by The Education Department to communicate with the school in reference to this application request. Enter Email Confirm Email Date of Submission DD slash MM slash YYYY Name of Applicant* DrMissMrMrsMsProf.Rev. Title Christian Name Surname Applicant's Email Address*This email address will be used by The Education Department to communicate with the applicant in reference to this application request. Enter Email Confirm Email Documents which MUST be attached: FOUNDATION GOVERNOR: 1. Application; 2. Priest's Reference; 3. Character Reference; 4. DBS Clearance Form FOUNDATION DIRECTOR: 1. Application; 2. Priest's Reference; 3. DBS Clearance Form CLERGY: 1. Clergy Application Form; 2. DBS Clearance Form GOVERNOR RE-APPOINTMENT FORM: 1. Re-Appointment Application; 2. Priest's Reference; 3. DBS Clearance FormAttach APPLICATION FORM hereMaximum file size is 2MBAccepted file types: doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.Attach PRIEST'S REFERENCE hereMaximum file size is 2MBAccepted file types: doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.Attach CHARACTER REFERENCE hereMaximum file size is 2MBAccepted file types: doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.Attach DBS CLEARANCE hereMaximum file size is 2MBAccepted file types: doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.CommentsIf you wish to add any further information in relation to this application, please do so here.Confirmation*PLEASE ensure that you have attached ALL the documents required by the Education Department of the Diocese of Westminster in support of this application. I confirm that I have attached all of the documents.Signature*Signature Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.